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Linux Software Packages

Linux Software Packages

Repository is a collection of software and can be used by various Package Managers.

Installing Software from Repository

  • Software installation on Red Hat Family is done using YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified).
  • Software installation on Debian Family is done using APT (Advanced Packaging Tool).
  • How to install and uninstall software on Linux:
    • In Red Hat Family:

    [user@host ~]$ yum install/remove cowsay

    • In Debian Family:

    user@host:~$ apt-get install/remove figlet

Linux Graphical Desktops

  • The most popular Linux desktops: Gnome, KDE, XFCE, Cinnamon and ….
  • Gnome has a user-friendly environment with the slogan Keep it Simple Stupid.
  • KDE has a more complex, professional environment with more software.
  • XFCE and Cinnamon have similar environments to the Windows Desktop.
  • Ubuntu, Red Hat, SuSE and many other distributions have the default Gnome desktop.

Linux Command Line Interface

  • The Gnome Terminal or KDE Console can be used to achieve the CLI.
  • Access CLI directly by pressing Ctrl + Alt + [F1 ~ F6] in the graphical environment.
  • Press the same buttons again to return to the graphical environment.

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