What is Git Branch?

  • A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to one of the commits.
  • Master branch always points to the last commit you made on.

Git Commands


Git branch -a

– List all of your branches.

Git branch [name]

– Creating a new branch at the current commit.

Git checkout [branch-name]

– Switch to another branch.

Git checkout -b [name]

– Create a new branch and switch to it at the moment.

Git merge [branch]

– Unstage a file while retaining the changes in working directory.

Git merge [branch] –no-ff

– Create a merge commit in all cases. No fast-forward.

Git log

– Show all commits in the current branch’s history.

Creating & Switching to a New Branch

  • Here is an example of creating a new branch called “Development”:
					# git branch -a
# git checkout -b development
(Creating New Branch)         -->  # git branch development
(Switching to New Branch)  -->  # git checkout development
# vi development.txt : “test of development branch”
# git add development.txt
# git commit -m “development test commit”
# git status
On branch development
nothing to commit, working tree clean
# git checkout master


Merging Two Branches Together

  • How to merge Development branch with Master branch:

i.First, switch to Master Branch:

					# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'


i.Then, merge Development branch in Master branch:

					# git merge development --no-ff
Updating 3c1599c..5292e50
development.txt | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 development.txt